My mother was murdered on 15 October 2005. Zola Mdyogolo stands trial for her murder from 27 March 2006. This blog tells you what happens.

Tuesday, March 28

DAY +1 What happens next

Now that the judgement trial is over, there is the sentencing trial to come in June. As Zola Mdyogolo is under 21 years old he will be subject to a probationer’s report as a matter of course. A team of five probationers will make sentencing recommendations based on his physical and mental state, his background and any other factors that they believe are relevant.

As Zola was advised in court yesterday, he is subject to the minimum sentencing laws for the three serious offences he was found guilty of - 15 years for robbery with aggravating circumstances, life for rape, life for murder. Life is considered equivalent to 25 years. The court has to impose these sentences unless ‘substantial and compelling’ circumstances are identified which indicate lesser sentences would be appropriate. The probationary officers can choose to support the minimum sentencing terms or recommend shorter terms, based on any mitigating circumstances identified.

The report will be presented at the sentencing trial on 21st June. At the same time, the prosecution can decide to make representations regarding aggravating circumstances to counter any mitigating circumstances that the probationary report puts forward. In particular, the considerable violence of the crimes and the fact that Zola committed the crimes during the five year suspension period of a 1 year sentence for a previous robbery conviction can be put forward.

Sentence will be passed on 23rd June.

An article on yesterday’s judgement appeared on page 3 of today’s Daily Dispatch. It doesn't appear to be available on line though. I will post it in the next few days.

Also over the next few days I’ll post about what the guilty verdict has meant to me and why.


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