My mother was murdered on 15 October 2005. Zola Mdyogolo stands trial for her murder from 27 March 2006. This blog tells you what happens.

Thursday, March 23

DAY -4 Coping

This is my last day at home and as the reality of the trial actually taking place grows, I have been thinking a bit about what has got me through the time between last October and now.

There are clearly things like the support of loved ones, family, friends and work colleagues, which has been amazing. Some of you have been particularly special, but I won't embarrass you by putting your names up for everyone else to see!

There are also some very good publications around, like the one pictured, which helped me to understand about grieving - I'd never had to think about or deal with it before in such a personal context. And to read through the experience of others that although grieving pretty much follows the same course whatever the cause of the loss, sudden loss is that much more complicated. The intrusion of the legal process due to start next week is just one example.

From my earlier postings you will probably have also picked up on things like media interest at the time (and possibly to come during the trial) and the need to rationalise for myself what happened, which has tested some of my basic values and beliefs.

And then there is this blog which has been great therapy for me so far. Posted by Picasa


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