My mother was murdered on 15 October 2005. Zola Mdyogolo stands trial for her murder from 27 March 2006. This blog tells you what happens.

Wednesday, March 22

DAY -5 Trial updates

The Zola Mdyogolo trial

Today the public prosecutor interviewed my father and two other people sub-poenaed to appear in court next week - my aunt Jenny and my father's neighbour, Andy. All three of them gave statements to the police at the time of my mother's death.

It is expected that my father will be asked to take the witness stand on Monday.

My cousin Simon (pictured with my sister Louise) will also need to be available as he identified my mother's body at the mortuary.

The case will commence at 09h30 next Monday.

The Jacob Zuma trial

Whilst there are no links between my mother's case and this trial, it is another opportunity to understand a little more about South Africa today. Jacob Zuma was the Deputy President of South Africa and likely future President until he was fired by President Mbeki over alleged corruption. This case comes to court later in the year.

However, for the last couple of weeks Mr Zuma has been standing trial for another alleged offence - the rape of a 31-year-old family friend. The case re-opens tomorrow after a week's adjournment. The political intrigue involved in this case is considerable and is said by many to reflect the battle within the ANC between those supporting Mr Mbeki's conservative views and policies and Mr Zuma's populist style based on grassroots support. The Mail and Guardian, South Africa's most influential newspaper, carries a series of articles on the case - it will be interesting to see what happens on Thursday.


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