My mother was murdered on 15 October 2005. Zola Mdyogolo stands trial for her murder from 27 March 2006. This blog tells you what happens.

Wednesday, March 15

DAY -12 Why a blog?

Three reasons really:

Dealing with the lead up to the trial of someone who has murdered your mother is stressful, believe me. This blog is proving to be a good way for me to cope with the 12 days left before the trial starts.

Sharing with you some of the background and how I am dealing with preparing for sitting in that court room are pretty powerful ways of not feeling just swept along by events. And should help contextualise my posts during the trial itself.

As it's a blog it's also a way for you to be involved - I'll be covering a range of issues and I'm interested in what you think.

I will post every day from now through to the end of the trial which starts on Monday 27 March.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be strong, Sion. I know this is hard for you and your family. We, your friends, are sad about this and outraged. We are with you.

5:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sion,

Thanks for including me in your Blog.

It is so sad when one loses someone and Iike your friend Colin Marx I find it very hard to find words for the tragedy your family has experienced.

My thoughs are with you,your family and your mothers friend Anne during this stressful time.

John Williams

8:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big hug for you sweetheart.

11:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sion,

May God give you courage and strength to go through this tough period.

Sunil & family

6:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's difficult to finf the goods words.

Bon courage, tu n'es pas seul

10:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really know what tragically losing someone we love means, I faced this during 10 tragedic years of terrorism in Algeria. No single word or action can bring back the person we lost.
The only good things that bring us back to Life are the friends and people supporting us in the hard time. Please consider all of us supporting you, and sharing the pain with you and your family.
May God keep your mother in peace.

3:28 PM


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